Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Circuit, Torres Del Paine, 130 km in less than 5 days

Yeah, I´m bragging.

Tomorrow I head to Punta Arenas, where I´ll write more about this trek.


Charlotte said...

Hi Lauren,

I came across your blog when I was trying to find experiences of volunteering with Conservacion Patagonia. Did you ever get round to venting your frustrations in an article?

I take it you wouldn't recommend them? We actually help people to get out to Patagonia and we're thinking of working with some volunteer agencies out there. Would be great to hear your thoughts.

Also, how did you find the Full Circuit? It's quite a tough slog, isn't it?


Lauren Udwari said...

Hi, Charlotte - I never did vent my frustrations, as my time there was too limited to write an educated article. However, I wouldn't recommend a volunteer stint there, based on the fact that the work was disorganized, and questionable on an environmental impact basis. However, I'm sure many others found the experience rewarding, and the physical location of the park is stunning. The Full Circuit ("W") was tough, but fun. The pass was actually closed due to snow, but we had no option but to trudge through thigh-deep snow to catch our boat. Feel free to email me if you have any further questions -