Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yerson's Veggie Pasta Sauce

Yerson, our pachamama bus guide on the two day ride back up to Santiago, is a chef. I believe he has prepared two of my favorite meals here in Chile, if not least during my time as a vegetarian.

Here is the recipe, which you must try if you like cheese...a ton of cheese.

On medium to high heat, put cilantro, vegetable oil, green onion, mashed garlic, cubed red pepper and a light cream sauce *a cup or two. Wait 10 minutes and add yellow curry to taste and black pepper. Wait one minute and add shredded cheese, preferably one with a strong flavor like gouda. Stir sauce frequently for one minute, turn off heat, and wait two minutes before eating.

During the prep of the sauce, boil water with salt and veg oil, add pasta, and when it boils again add a dash of curry.

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