At 1 I landed in Puerto Montt (closest city to Varas) and was greeted by a taxi driver holding a type-written sign - LAUREN UDWARI. He spoke no english, and so we walked in silence to his van and I slept through the half hour ride to Varas. I decided to splurge today, paying 30 bucks for a taxi and nearly 100 for a night at Vicki Johnson´s Guest House in Varas - a fancy hotel in a historic german building in the heart of downtown.
Next on my to-do list - LAUNDRY. After wearing the same clothes for one week, I was eager to find a Lavanderia and scrub the torres del paine wind, dirt and sweat from mi ropa. However, the only one in town was closed (at 2 PM!) not to open until Monday. Furious and low in cash, I pulled out my credit card and bought some pants at the North Face store and shirt at the Lippi store...at least I was clean now. I headed to Cafe De Barista, overlooking the lake and volcanos Varas is famous for, and had my usual - veg sandwich and cappucino con crema. I perused interior design magazines, wondering how I´d decorate my 400sq foot studio apartment in Denver. (YES, I AM MOVING AGAIN).
On the stroll back to the hotel I discovered a woman doing laundry in her house. I asked her if I could pay her to do my laundry and for a pretty penny she agreed (12 bucks!). Oh well. The price you pay for cleanliness.
I decided to try a new restaurant for dinner - Retorno - known for their chilean style pizza (lots of cheese, no sauce, and served with green stuff - my guess is mashed jalapenos). It was delicious, but still hungry from my 130 km in the park, I stopped for dessert at Cafe Danes. The Nut Cake was delicious and had taken me to the point of fullness.
Tonight would be the first night I could sleep in my bed with out having to wonder if the sheets had been changed recently, or having to deal with torture-esque bed rods or springs.
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