Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I froze last night

The only reason I´m posting blogs this morning is that I´m up early, before breakfast is served or the volunteers are awake.

It´s been raining here lately, and my tent has started to leak. In the middle of the night I noticed that my tent had leaked so badly, my sleeping bag felt like a wet rag. Of course this is the night I decide to do laundry, and am limited to a pair of thin sweat pants instead of long underwear.

I feel exhausted and cold, fingers frozen as I type, but wanted to share some recent stories with you guys. There are so many stories to share...and not enough time here in the archaeic computer lab. Last night, while I responded to an email or two, the argentinian architects blasted the spanish version of wild things while I tried to focus. Wild things! The only time I hear that is when I happen to pass by a hallmark store around valentine´s day, as the song creeps out of a stuffed bear, holding a mini heart pillow embroidered with BE MY VALENTINE.

I´m not sure what I´ll do about my leaky tent. At least it was so cold this morning that when I sat up I noticed all the drops about to drip onto my forehead had frozen into icicles. It´s been 11 days without a bed and I´m starting to miss a down comforter. And the way bed springs give when you change positions. And the way rain doesn´t fall on you while you dream about pumas.

It´s the little luxuries in life, like having a bed and something other than rice to eat for lunch and dinner, or bread every morning for breakfast, that I miss.

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