Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Olives for lunch; 300 pesos for a pee

1 PM

Being a vegetarian is hard in Chile. The fat cow restaurant sits just a block from my hostal. So italian was my fare of choice today, and I ordered a Pizza Margherita, which back home is dough, cheese and sauce. Not in Chile.

A small pie covered in olives arrived. I don't like olives, but luckily I'm tolerant of them. Especially when breakfast was served at 5 am on the plan and I'm starving.

At 4 bucks, though, I was satisfied with my lunch and wasted the rest of the day taking pictures of stray dogs (they are on every street corner and I believe most of them have owners) and absorbing the culture shock.

Did you know you can't flush paper down the toilets here? You throw them in a waste basket. And downtown you have to pay 300 pesos (70ish cents) to use el bano.

Peeing is pricey.

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